How to Maintain an Organized Home

With everyone home, things can get out of hand faster than ever. Even if you live with just one other person or by yourself, it doesn’t take long for your house to look like a disaster has struck. From plates and bowls in the kitchen to clothes on the floor in the bedroom, it’s easy to get careless even for a day or two and lose track of the whole place. 

Hiring a custom maid is a great way to keep your home clean, disinfected, and sanitized, but when it comes to keeping it organized and clutter-free, there are other things you can do. To help, we’ve written our favorite ways to keep the home maintained on a simple, daily basis. 

Clean As You Go

Our absolute number one trick to keep a clean home is to simply clean things up as you go about your daily routine. It’s not an exciting task, but doing the little things every single day means you never have to worry about things getting out of control. That frees up your weekends which you might have used as cleaning days in the past. 

Things like dishes, clothes, and even pieces of trash can easily be placed on counters and forgotten in moments. By trying to actively remember to pick things up and move them to their proper place, you’ll save loads of time later. 

The Fridge

Surfaces like countertops and shelves are easy to keep clean as they’re visible. It gets harder to remember to clean areas that “hide” from you, such as your fridge. And this is one of the worst spots to lose track of, as germs can easily congregate when food begins to go bad. 

If you’re looking to organize your home, the fridge is a great place to start. A clean fridge gives you a refreshed, energizing feeling, and can even kickstart other organizing efforts. 

The Bathroom

Next up, do yourself a favor and organize your bathroom. Like the fridge, a bathroom is both vulnerable to germs and easy to lose track of. While cleaning and disinfecting your bathroom is vital, it’s also a great place to organize. Sometimes this can include purchasing or making creative solutions to keep things in place, such as shower organizers to hold bottles of shampoo or soap, or cups for your toothbrush(es) and toothpaste. 

Simplify Your Laundry

For many, Saturday or Sunday are known as laundry day, which often involves load after load in the machines with hours spent washing, drying, folding, and hanging. If you’re trying to simplify your routine, especially since everyone is now home all the time or at least more than usual, try doing your laundry throughout the week. 

You could start a load before you begin working for the day and then move it to the dryer at lunch, then remove it at the end of the day, thus freeing you up later. Or assign laundry to other members of your household to use the number of people at home as an advantage. 

Deal With It Now

Similarly to our first point about doing it as you go, creating a mindset of dealing with things now, instead of an imagined, hypothetical time in the future, which is what many of us (no judgment) often do. Keeping your house clean all the time is challenging, but once you rethink the way you view cleaning – as an everyday, small task rather than an infrequent, massive effort – it becomes much more manageable, and less of a headache. 

Use Your Downtime

Speaking of readjusting your mindset, another change you can make is using downtime more efficiently. We don’t mean for you to waste all your free time cleaning; that’s exhausting. Instead, whenever you have some free time, just do a few little things. Look around the room as you exit and make sure you’re not leaving behind errant cups or dishes; as you leave the bathroom, make sure nothing extra is hiding on the counters. 

Make Your Bed – And Make Your Kids Do the Same

A made bed has become something of a lost art, and it makes sense. Many people think of it as a trivial thing to do, as no one is going to see their bed anyway. However, if you’re struggling to keep your home clean during these times, making your bed is a great thing to add to your routine.

Choosing to make your bed means that the very first thing you do when you wake up is accomplish a task. Plus, it establishes your room as a clean space, leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to face the day.

A Home for Everything

As we mentioned above, putting things in their place is a huge part of everyday cleaning. But if there’s not a place for those items to go, it’s pretty difficult to put them away. To combat this, make sure that every single thing you own has a home in your home. That way, the moment you finish using something, you can return it to where it belongs. 

Partner With Some Help

A safe and healthy home is crucial for your peace of mind, allowing you to focus and relax much easier. When you’re done organizing and you’d just like to take a break in a sparkly clean home, give us a call. We offer custom services with the same person cleaning your place each week, so they know your space.

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