15 Fall Cleaning Tips

Fall cleaning checklist

Is fall your favorite season? It’s easy to love all the fun decorations like jack-o'-lanterns in October and cornucopias in November.  It’s also a time for celebrating fun holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving.


But, festive decor and family gatherings require a time investment and hard work.  It’s hard to prepare when you’re also shuttling your kids to their next activity. After you prioritize all your other responsibilities, a clean kitchen doesn’t necessarily make the top of the list.


Sometimes, a concise game plan is all you need to get things in order just in time for all the fall festivities. We’ve outlined a to-do list that’ll ensure you’re home is guest-ready just in time for turkey. If it all seems like a bit too much, we can talk to you about our house cleaning services.

Cleaning the Gutters in Oklahoma

The outside of your home needs attention too. Hurry before it’s cold.


Cleaning the outside of your home is just as important as the inside, especially if you want to put up any decorations for the holidays. Over the winter, it is less likely that you will want to do outside chores, so now is the time to knock them out before the chilly weather arrives.


Tip #1: Unclog the Gutters

If you live in an area with a lot of trees, this may be an ongoing chore until the last leaf falls.  Scrape out damp leaves and compost them or toss them.  Take a high-pressure attachment for your hose and blast it clean.  It will take you some time, but you will be grateful when the snow starts to melt.


Gutters protect your home. They give water a safe route to take away from the home. When they’re clogged you risk foundation damage, landscape erosion and ice dams.


Tip #2: Organize the Garage

Fall is the perfect time to clean out your garage because you’re already looking for your boxes of decorations anyway. Don't just toss everything into a bin to deal with later, take the time now to organize and filter through what to keep and what to giveaway or throwaway.


Tip #3: Cut Firewood

If you have a fireplace or an outdoor fire pit (or both), then gather your firewood now. Stacking it neatly and away from the home will help mitigate rodents and insects from finding their way into your house for holiday treats. Use a wood rack, but don’t set it up too far, or it’ll be a hassle to grab more fuel once it's freezing outside.


Tip #4: Power wash the Patio

It's power washing time. 


Take some time and clear off the gunk and grime from the patio. Just because summer is over doesn't mean that shouldn't enjoy the amazing fall weather in your backyard. If you install a fire pit, you could enjoy the space on mild winter days too.



Move Inside for the Real Work

Of course, cleaning the inside of your home is one of the biggest tasks before any upcoming holiday season.  It can be tough to do if there are too many things on the list.  Pick a room, or a part of a room, and just get it cleaned. Here are some of our best tips for every room of the house. 

Kitchen To-Do List

The Kitchen: It’s the Busiest Room of the Season

If you are going to be spending a lot of time in here this holiday season, why not start here with your cleaning tasks? It needs to be ready for baking pumpkin pie and making other delicious meals.


Many people choose to outsource their kitchen work to house cleaning services simply because it is a job that seems never-ending, especially during the fall. If you have the bandwidth to do it yourself, then here’s a deep-clean strategy.


Tip #5: Start with the Stove Top

It's time to de-grease and scrub.  A summer's worth of cooking needs to come off the top if you are going to show off your kitchen’s prowess.  A light scrub and some mild detergent should get most of the grease.


Tip #6: Don’t Forget the Oven

Scrub the inside of the oven to get any residue off.  If you are going to use a self-cleaning mode, be sure to open up all of the windows and doors in your home and turn on the fans. The self-cleaning mode can create dangerous carbon monoxide.  Of course, now is a good time to check those carbon-monoxide detectors too.


Tip #7: Empty the Refrigerator

Toss out the old and get ready for the new.  Make sure you don't have any out-of-date leftovers stowed away in the back.  Scrub off the shelves and the walls to get a fresh look, and don't forget to pop open a new baking soda box to absorb any unwanted scents.


Open up the freezer too, and throw out any freezer burnt foods. Clear off any ice buildup, and you will be amazed at how much space you have to store all of your Halloween chocolate and Thanksgiving leftovers.


Tip #8: Drain the Dishwasher

People often forget to clean out their dishwasher, but if you don't keep it clean, how is it supposed to keep your dishes clean? Take some mild detergent and clean out any grimy residue.  There should be a debris catch as well that will need to get scraped out and scrubbed.


Tip #9: Clean the Cabinets or Pantry

Like the refrigerator, you need to filter through any of the old goods and throw them away. You can also take this opportunity to wipe them down and remove any dust on the surface. Food debris and dust are magnets for critters like mice or bugs during the cold winter months. Send them an eviction notice now before the holidays.

Bathroom Cleaning Checklist

Bathroom: The Most Important Room for Guests

Guests will use your bathrooms. Regardless if they are staying the night or just visiting, your bathroom needs to feel clean and welcoming.


Tip #10: Scrub the Sink

Toothpaste and soap scum can build up in the bowl of the sink,  a light scrub and soap can clean that right up.  Don’t forget to clean around the base of the faucet and the handles. Grime can build up, so try using an old toothbrush to get those tight spaces along the sink.


Tip #11: Make Sure the Porcelain Throne is Pristine

Scrub the bowl inside and out to get rid of gunk that refuses to flush on its own.  On the outside, dust can settle around the base, so remove it with a towel and then wash it with your cleaning supplies. Getting your toilet to sparkle only takes a few minutes and trust us when we say it is always a noticeable improvement.


Tip #12: Have a Shower that Sparkles

Soap scum and hard water buildup can be a tough nut to crack, but after you scrub the walls, it’ll finally sparkle again. Soak the shower head to remove hard water buildup and clean any shower caddies you have too.  Now, whenever you use the shower, be sure to wipe the walls down and your deep clean will be easier next time.


The best tips for a guest bedroom

Give the Guests a Clean Bedroom

If you plan on hosting guests, you’ll have to take some time to clean the room, especially if it sits vacant most of the year. While you're cleaning their rooms, don’t forget yours. There’s nothing like ending a long holiday weekend by retreating to a clean room with fresh sheets.


Tip #13: Clean Sheets are Comfortable

Take off all of the sheets, all of the pillows and get ready to give them all a good cleaning.  Clean sheets always have one of the most amazing feelings, but if it has been a while since you’ve purchased new pillows, now is the time to treat yourself.  Don’t forget to look under the bed.


Tip #14: Don’t Let the Dust Settle

Guest bedrooms that sit mostly vacant can have a lot of dust build up. If your guests have allergies, this could make their stay in your home miserable. Dusting the furniture helps freshen up the room, so don’t let it linger.


Tip #15: Clear out the Closets

This can be one of the toughest things to do each season, but it's time to filter through and decide what to store for next year, what to keep in the closet, and what to remove from your home.


If there are any clothes that you have forgotten about, it may be time to give it away and make room for new outfits. Don't forget to bring out some of those ugly Christmas sweaters too!  Vacuum, clean and dust your closets while you are in there to get ready to hide some presents for the kids.


We get it. There’s a lot to do. You can create a chore list for the kids, or better yet, hire the professionals.


Cleaning services are an effective way to keep up with all your activities during this busy season. To learn more about our house cleaning services that we offer at Custom Maid, call us at (918) 376-4114.

Tresha McCarty