8 Ways to Take Your Bathroom to the Next Level

As the time for spring cleaning approaches and passes, it can be easy to overlook the bathroom. Most of the time, cleaning the bathroom means wiping things down, mopping the floor, and cleaning the toilet. But there are steps you can take to make it look like your bathroom hasn’t been used in years.

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Mojo Media Labs
6 Bed Styling Secrets From the Pros

We all know we should make our beds. But, it’s often a task that goes out the window when our parents around to remind us anymore. Whether you’re in a rush to work or simply not a morning person, there’s a big reason you should implement this habit.

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Tresha Ross
How to Remove Impossible Stains From Carpet or Upholstery

Juice, coffee, tea, nail polish remover, Play-Doh, markers and a million other things in your home are a threat to your clean floors. As professional housekeepers, we encounter carpet stains on a regular basis, so we’ve assembled this quick guide for tackling these pesky stains quickly and effortlessly.

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Tresha Ross
6 Benefits of Working for Custom Maid

Do you want a job that leaves you satisfied at the end of the day? Do you want your work to feel meaningful and fun? You might think being a team member at Custom Maid is just cleaning homes, but it’s much more than just doing laundry and vacuuming floors.

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Tresha Ross
14 DIY Natural Cleaners for Every Mess in Your Home

Natural, homemade cleaners typically utilize common household items like baking soda, white vinegar, essential oils and sometimes a few additional ingredients like hydrogen peroxide or Borax. These recipes can be a safe (and cheap) alternative to options you can find at the big box stores. Here are the recipes you need to start making your own home cleaners.

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Tresha Ross
15 Fall Cleaning Tips

We’ve outlined a to-do list that’ll ensure you’re home is guest-ready just in time for turkey. If it all seems like a bit too much, we can talk to you about our house cleaning services.

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Tresha Ross
25 Ways to Clean Your Home With Baking Soda

This odorless white powder does so much more than liven up your cookies. It’s a truly magical (but gentle) abrasive that also serves as a natural deodorizer. Wondering how you can put this simple product to the test? Here are 25 ways to clean your home with baking soda this weekend.

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Tresha Ross
8 Easy Ways to Prep for an Open House

When placing your home on the market, one of your first tasks will be hosting an open house. In today’s blog, we’ll be teaching you eight easy ways to prep for an open house and how to help prospective buyers fall in love.

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Tresha Ross